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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

It's been a while!

Well It has been a while since I have posted so there is a lot to talk about. We enjoyed spending the holidays in Ohio with friends and family. Even with two trips to the Emergency Room with sick kids and the third being sick too, we had a good time. We ate lots of yummy foods and surprisingly I only gained one pound over the two week period. I have since gotten back on the wagon and this week since I have been home, I lost another 6 pounds. So officially today, I have hit the 40 pound weight loss mark. That averages about 10 pounds a month....not bad if i may say so myself. If I can stick with that average I will hit my 60 pound goal by the wedding and the first time Jason sees me when he comes home on R&R. Better yet, I have lost 47" and 29% body fat. I am actually only a few percent away from being in the normal range for my age. I can't believe it! I can't remember the last time I was considered normal. Days like this make this journey much more bearable and just makes me wanna keep pushing forward!

1 comment:

  1. kristy, you're doing an awesome job! weight loss is never easy, but you sure do have a knack of making it look like it is! i am so, so proud of you! hang in there, girly!
