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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Good morning Tuesday! Good morning Week 2! Feeling good this morning, especially after I got on the scale and weighed 10 pounds lighter than last Monday! woot woot! I hope it keeps going like that! Super proud of myself and anxious to keep trucking along! Off to what appears to be another gloomy rainy day, but the Lord is good and is giving me the strength to continue on this difficult journey. To all my friends and family offering up their support....thank you so much! Man this is starting to sound more like an acceptance speech! Oh and just FYI....in order to become a follower and leave comments on my blog, you have to register on the site.... www.blogger.com I would love to know the ones that are following regularly! Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend and a good week ahead!

1 comment:

  1. GREAT job!!!!! I am so proud of you keep doing a good job.
